Dr. Long Yi's research work has been widely reported in different platforms. Many papers have been reported in China academic platform “Wechat”; One research article was publicized in Wiley advanced science news; Her latest paper attracted more than 80 international media reports; Her research activity was highlighted in Nature in 2021.
1. Paper Science, 374(6574), 1501-1504, 2021.
Dr. Long Yi's research work related with energy saving windows have been highlighted in Science,and more than 60 media in many countries have reported this work. All the reports are listed in the following links:
Some of 66 media reports for Dr. Long’s paper in Science
2. Nature
Dr. Long Yi's research work related with energy saving windows have been highlighted in Nature as a showcase in Singapore NRF sponsored project. It was reported in Nature, Vol 591, 18 March 2021, page S31.
Nature report of Dr Long Yi's research
3. Paper Joule, 4(11), 2458-2474, 2020
Dr. Long Yi's most recent work, the world first liquid window garnered 80 medias report including the most prestigious Reuters, CNA, World Economy Forum, Lianhe Zaobao, AFP, SCMP and in more than 50 countries as well as prestigious Science/academic platform. Some of the reports are shown below. All the reports are listed in the following links:
The YouTube video made by NTU media office has garners more than 20K viewers. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XIhuEesqWDA
AFP sent reporter and produced a video, which SCMP used to publicize:
Some of 80 media reports for Dr. Long’s work
4. Wide publicity in China Wechat academic platform
Many of all research articles have been widely reported in China prestigious wechat academic platforms. Some of the reports were even viewed by 10K researchers.
Some of the representative publicity was shown below.
Representative Wechat report in China
5. Paper Advanced Functional Materials 28 (9), 1705365, 2018.
Our first hybrid, printable hydrogel was highlighted in Wiley platform, advanced science news as shown in the link.